1st Rockland Scouting Group

This is the Blog of the 1st Rockland Scouting Group. We're located in Rockland, Ontario, Canada. This is where all sections can share their thoughts and experiences in an informal way.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cubs - New Season

Hi everyone,

Well we're back ... almost. I'm just posting a quick blurb here but the new scouting season is just over the horizon.

Registration is coming up on September 7th and 9th (I'm doing this during my lunch break at work so don't quote me on the dates just yet ... keep checking the group calendar).

The cub year promises to be another great year. In September we'll have registration, a whole group meeting at Tucker House, the 1st cub meeting, a fall cuberee and I think "Apple Day".

In October we'll have a car wash and bake sale, a hike, Halloween and a few other things I can't remember right now.

Keep checking the website and the respective sections, the calendar and this blog for more info.



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