1st Rockland Scouting Group

This is the Blog of the 1st Rockland Scouting Group. We're located in Rockland, Ontario, Canada. This is where all sections can share their thoughts and experiences in an informal way.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Beavers and Snakes

Last Thursday, We had Brian Melee come in and talk to the Beavers about his snakes.
It was the quietest I have ever seen most of the kids.
Brian did a great job and showed us quite a few of his snakes. the Kids had a great time and
Brian passed on loads of interesting information about his snakes.
Bubbles and Sunshine seemed to enjoy it and Bubbles even had a snake draped around her at the end.
We had a few of the cubs visit with us and even one of the scouts was with us for the evening.
Again a great time was had by all



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