End of the year
Well it's been a while since I've posted.
Obviously alot of things have happened since my last post. :o)
We had a cub kar rallie in April, community clean ups, bike rodeo ....
One of the recent events (just this past weekend) was the yearly Odawa summer camp. This was at the Voyageur Provincial park (near Hawkesbury). Here's last year's posting:
This year's theme was "pirates". This was very cool. We watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" on Friday night (yes, we watched a movie at camp, so what's your problem). Saturday morning was filled with different activities (tattooing, shooting guns, gallows, etc...). Each activity was tailored to the "pirate code of conduct".
One of the activities was tattooing. Any respectable pirate will have a tattoo. Our goal was to slightly worry the kids thinking that we will be actually branding them with a piece of heated iron. Okay some of them were down right scared. One even cried ... but he quickly realized that no one was really going to get hurt. Other than that it all went pretty well.
All right, one thing I haven't mentioned so far was the weather. That's because it was really nasty. It rained most of the weekend and we had a high of 9 degC on Saturday. We made our own fun but it was still miserable. Luckily no one (in our group anyways) suffered in any major way.
I'll try and post some pics but I can't promise.
We still have a family camp coming up in two weeks and that will be all for this year.