1st Rockland Scouting Group

This is the Blog of the 1st Rockland Scouting Group. We're located in Rockland, Ontario, Canada. This is where all sections can share their thoughts and experiences in an informal way.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fall 2005 Area Cubaree

All right, how do I start ?
I'll just blurt it out I guess...

This past weekend's Cubaree was a success. I think there was close to 120 youths and some 20 leaders and parent volunteers. This is a guess but I think I'm close ...

There are so many to thank for so many reasons that I don't know where to start. First off, I'd like to thank 1st Rockland's Chill for the organizational and logistical work. Chill also brought the majority of the equipment and all the food for the event. I know other Area groups also had their say in this event and kudos to them as well.

Thanks to our Akela and Scouter John (group Commissioner) for all their work, efforts, management and patience. Thanks to all the leaders who participated and helped out.

A special thanks goes off to the parent volunteers. This weekend would not have be successful without their help. They helped setting up the different shelters, made certain the food was always ready and made sure there was always coffee, hot chocolate and juice/water.

I apologize if I forgot to thank anybody.

Event: Fall 2005 Area Cubaree
When: October 22-23, 2005
Where: Apple Hill Scouting Reserve (Apple Hill, Ontario)
Who: Odawa Area (and more) cub groups

Although the event officially started on the 22nd, I opted to go on Friday the 21st (with my son) to help setting up and get a few things ready for the next day. We weren't the only ones as our own Akela and Chil were there too (and scouter Christine who did not spend the night but who helped out alot). One or two other groups were there too (I forget who). Setting up on Friday has its advantages but at this time of the year one has to endure one extra cold night in the tent. Believe me it was cold. I think it went down to at least -5degC that night (maybe lower).

My son was well equipted with a good sleeping bag and a couple of blankets. I on the other hand had a "summer" type sleeping bag. Needless to say that I was heavily weighted with blankets.

Saturday is when the rest of the crowd arrived. We started off with an opening ceremony as always and divided into groups for the day. The activities were a plenty. We had a good lunch, supper and snacks throughout. The activities were:

  • Archery
  • Shelter building
  • Fire making and water boiling competition
  • Craft (nice leather stamping craft)
  • Compas work
  • Pumpkin Carving
  • Campfire
The archery was one of the most enjoyed activity (based on an informal poll) , closely followed by the pumkin carving and the campfire. The other activities were fun too and educational (which is probably why the they did not fare as good in the polls) Grin 5

My personal favourite was the campfire. The pumpkins that were carved were used to ornate both sides of a path leading into the woods. The path went to a small clearing where benches were arranged in a circle and more pumpkins were layed out.

After scouter John recited something about starting the fire and guiding something straight and true (I don't have a good memory), we all started to chant "Cubs, Cubs, Cubs..." and our Akela lighted a torch and something hanging in the trees. I remember thinking: "What is he doing ?" All of a sudden an a flaming arrow came sliding down and hit the fire with a whoosh. Flame Aaah blessed warmth. After a few songs, skits and cheers it was time to go back to camp, to have a quick snack and hit the hay.

That night the temperature went down to approx. +3degC which was bliss compared to the night before.

The next day it was time to pack up, have breakfast (Mmmm pancakes ...) Homer Crawling and go home.

This was my 1st official camp as a cub leader and I have to admit it was fun. I was dead tired when I got home but that's just the way it is. I think that's about it for me but if anyone has anything to add : like someone to thank, their own experience, please click on the "comment" link just below this posting and add your 2 cents.
