1st Rockland Scouting Group

This is the Blog of the 1st Rockland Scouting Group. We're located in Rockland, Ontario, Canada. This is where all sections can share their thoughts and experiences in an informal way.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Beavers - Composite bats and Hockey Visit

Yesterday we visited the Ballistik Hockey and CEComposite factories here in Ottawa. Steven gave us a really good tour of the place. At this time of the year they mostly make bats. They are the official suppliers for Little League Canada. Wow, I was impressed at the whole process.

After the tour was complete we went outside and the kids batted a few baseballs. We then had some Timbits and juice.

Steven was really great. He gave a good tour, really patient with the Beavers. He supplied the snack and to top it off, he gave each Beaver a bat. Cool.

Thanks alot Steven.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Beavers - Last Stretch

Well the Scouting (beavers) season is coming to an end soon. Our last meeting is on the 27th at Parc Simon where we will hold our year-end BBQ afterwich there will be no more Thursday night meetings for us. We still have 2 camps in June: the Odawa camp and the family camp. Both should be lots of fun.

We've recently swam-up some white tail beavers to cubs. Myself (Rusty) and Hawkeye have also swam-up to cubs. Yep, we'll be cub leaders next year.

Anyways I'll be posting more comments as the year and events come to an end.


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